GOA…3 lettersdevilishlyevocative, saleswomanfantasies andwhich refer tothe idea of aparadise–babas cool,illicit substancesandorgiasticcelebrations.But alsohippiesperchedsoixantenaires, a little backandfrozen intheir ideals andutopias« peace and love ». In early May,I arrivedat a time whenAwas moremyth than reality..Sorry todisillusionyoufrom the outset.
No,island-touch, willplaycushy, local. Alreadybecauseofthe revelerswere all gone…
EveningtechnoVagator…Is anyone?
You comemorenightlife ?
And two: the beach dresses a lot of waste. Not very jojo stuff. And paradise, I would imagine not dirty. Backyards restaurants are landfills where waste is abandoned in a garbage heap without being placed in trash bags. They must surely reach the size of a mountain before burning them as I have seen in Mumbai. Three: I’ve never sweated so much in my entire tropical living. And no desire … I spent my time to sprinkle water my shirt, my shorts, my dress. This vital behavior had upset some Indian because a little rascal grabbed my swimsuit bottom that I let dry on a wire with pliers to my cabin. It was my favorite bottom of the swimsuit. I kept up even today just to never forget that once in my life, I had a swimsuit bottom that made me look at the Hall Berry coming out of the waters in James Bond … (sweet thought …)
But I lovedthe colorful houses, the architecturallegacy ofthe colonialPortuguese.And mypurchasing power.It’s incrediblycheap andyou canbargain forlower prices. Radicalexample:three weeksin India, airfare included(400euros), luxury hotel, expensive restaurantsandcheaptoo,transport, gifts, accommodation, excursions, bike rental,train, etc.In short, theall-inclusivetravel: 1380euros.Who says better ? I wantaweek in Europewithout returningwith a ton ofgiftsand« spices …
Forbeautiful beaches, Goa is notthe best destination. But whendying ofhotlike mein India, Goa becomes a kind ofparadise …
♦ Informations ♦
To goto the regionof Goa(State of thesouthwest coastof India,divided intotwo districts: NorthGoaandSouthGoa, located on the Arabian Seaand extendsover3702km,with101km coastline), takethe train toMumbaitoPernem. Ido not rememberthe pricebut it’s reallycheap to10amtrain… Goais the firstPortuguese colonialpresence inIndia.
Arambol, Vagator, Anjuna
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbaï
Train for Pernem
To the leftis displayedthe list of passengerson the train.andsite /Right, snacks servedon the train.
Sellerson the beach
On the one hand, womenbathedressed…
On the othermenin a swimsuit…
PreparationforAyurvedic massage
Head massage: « Shirodhara« excellent!
Saint Anthony’s church – Siolim
Our housein Vagator…
This cowfollowed mein the streetand gave mehornsshots…I reallyfreakedso hardbefore, I went to take refugein a restaurant…
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