A cape novel and Asian sword. A small pearl.
I loved this novel that tells the adventures 4 feet nickel martial arts experts, united by a deep friendship and who will face turn thieves and ghosts.
The supernatural has pride of place as the novel that comes in line with the great Chinese novels brigands draws heavily on the tradition of fantastic tales of ancient China. It is joyful, light, funny, exciting, and full of unlikely twists. The characters are engaging, we want more. A « feel good book » that escapes us to other ancient countries and cultures in a fantasy context. You come out with a smile …
I read this novel in one sitting. Great for the holidays … or subway 🙂
- Literary genre: fantasy, humor, asia, offbeat, book addict, swashbuckling
- Year : 1998
- Review [usr 9 max= »10″ text= »false » img= »03.png » size=20]